How Long Does Car Insurance Claims Process for Damages Caused by a Car Accident with a Tractor-Trailer?

According to a recent study, the average cost of a car accident involving a tractor-trailer is $59,150. This includes property damage, medical bills, lost wages, and other related expenses. If you have been involved in such an accident, it is important to understand the car insurance claims process.

Reporting the Accident

The first step in the car insurance claims process is to report the accident to your insurance company. You should do this as soon as possible, even if you are not at fault. In some cases, the insurance company of the other driver may be responsible for the damages. However, it is still important to notify your own insurance company.

Investigating the Accident

Once you have reported the accident, your insurance company will begin an investigation. This may involve sending an adjuster to the scene of the accident to assess the damages. The adjuster may also speak with witnesses and review police reports.

Determining Fault

One of the most important factors in the car insurance claims process is fault. In some cases, fault may be obvious. For example, if the truck driver ran a red light and hit your car, they will likely be found at fault. However, in other cases, fault may be more difficult to determine. Your insurance company will work to determine who was at fault for the accident.

Estimating Damages

Once fault has been determined, your insurance company will begin estimating the damages. This may include the cost of repairs for your vehicle, as well as any medical bills you have incurred as a result of the accident. It is important to keep track of all expenses related to the accident, including receipts and bills.

Negotiating a Settlement

After the damages have been estimated, your insurance company will begin negotiating a settlement with the other driver's insurance company. This may involve going to court if a settlement cannot be reached. It is important to have a skilled attorney on your side to ensure that you receive a fair settlement.

Timeframe for the Claims Process

The car insurance claims process can vary in length depending on a number of factors. If the accident was minor and fault is clear, the process may take just a few weeks. However, if the accident was more severe and fault is in dispute, the process may take several months or even years.


If you have been involved in a car accident with a tractor-trailer, it is important to understand the car insurance claims process. This can help you ensure that you receive a fair settlement for your damages. Be sure to report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible, keep track of all expenses related to the accident, and consider hiring an attorney to help you negotiate a settlement.